Friday, March 27, 2009

Hush! By Minfong Ho


Hush! is a book whose text is the words to a well known Thai lullaby. The words of the lullaby tell noisemakers from around the farm to be quiet as the baby sleeps. After asking who is making the noise, the words identify which creature is loud. The animal names (identified in Thai) include elephants, cows, lizards, monkeys, ducks, pigs and many others. At the end of the book, the mother has finally told all of the animals to be quiet and there is not a sound in the air when the baby wakes up and is ready to play.
I would use this book in my classroom as a read aloud followed by discussion about the Thai culture. This book would also be useful when studying onamonapias. The sound words from the book allow students to practice uncommon sound and letter combinations.

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